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A question that is sometimes asked is, "Why is it called Ninja Communications?"

Most people think of a Ninja as an Assassin. The facts is that the 15th Century Ninja of Ancient Japan was more like CIA, KGB or MI-6. Their primary purpose was to gather Intelligence using tactics of Stealth. They were so effective at their covert operations, that they developed the legend of making themselves invisible. This book will allow you to detect things about people you work with, who you meet randomly or even someone you lived with for years.


When you begin reading Ninja Communications, you quickly realize that it is not like any book you've ever read on the subject of communications. In fact most people feel like they just acquired a new Super Power! The book explores various Sciences that are seemingly unrelated, but when combined creates a powerful tool to practically read the minds of those around you, as well as teaching you how to effectively influence others to do what you need to get done.


Below are a few excerpts from Ninja Communications, The Art and Science of Influence, to help you begin your journey as a Ninja Communicator, once you've read these excerpts, you are invited to order your copy and begin your transformation.

Effective Leaders Get Results


This Chapter is a must for Corporate Executives, Managers and Entrepreneurs. Learn how to hire the right team the first time and how you can get your staff to double their productivity. These powerful principles of leadership gives you the tools to build loyalty and synergy to grow your team and organization. 

We invite you to take a moment and review the basics of communications

Becoming a Ninja Master


Admittedly this is where the book becomes fun. As you read and study these chapters you will feel as if you've discovered a New Super Power. Learn how people reveal themselves through body language, handwriting, health issues and much more. As readers study these techniques they will practically be able to read the minds of the people around them.

We invite you to take a moment and enjoy a sample of the Ninja Principles 

Emotional Causation



There is a little known Science we call "Emotional Causation" which explores the power that emotions have on the physical body. For every physical illness there is an emotion that may have caused it. In this chapter discover the private thoughts of those around you, just by knowing what physical problems they may be challenged by.

We invite you to read a sample of "Emotional Causation"

Public Speaking Skills



It's been said that some people would rather jump out of an Airplane than speak in front of an audience. The public speaking chapter introduces powerful techniques to conquer the fear, and assist you in motivating your audience to get results.


We invite you to read a sample of "Public Speaking Techniques"


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