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Ninja Communications                                                                                                              The Art and Science of Influence

Ninja Communications is the most comprehensive book ever written on the Art  and Science of Communications. Have you ever wondered what someone was really thinking while you were speaking to them? Or how you could move them to a decision to benefit you or your company?


This powerful book takes a fun easy to read approach to learning techniques that will help you become a Ninja Master of Communications. Tap into a person’s thoughts by reading their body; learn how to shift someone’s feelings without uttering a word.

The author teaches a multi-disciplinary approach involving several Sciences including; Kinesiology, (Body language) Graphology (Handwriting Analysis), Emotional Causation (Reading of mind/body connections) and several other ground breaking technologies to help the reader practically read the minds of people they get in front of. Each of these Sciences are powerful individually, but when combined in an interdisciplinary approach, it gives the user a definitive advantage when speaking to anyone!

Ninja Communications also takes us on a personal journey to a deeper understanding of ourselves, who we attract, how we interact, and how those relationships are defined.


“I’ve learned so much by reading and applying these principles of influence and it has literally changed my life as I am sure it will yours. You have Greatness in You, Ninja Communications the Art and Science of Influence will bring out that Greatness, from my lips to God’s ears, enjoy.”

                                                                                                         Les Brown


Ninja Communications                                                                                                                

The Art and Science of Influence

By Oscar Hines

Ninja Communications the Art and Science of Influence

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